Living EAM Platform by Softplant GmbH

Release 2.3 of our Living EAM Platform

We have just released Living EAM Platform version 2.3. It includes following new features and improvements:

  • Dashboard
    • Configure and share dashboards: As an user you can now create and edit new dashboards and share them with other users. You can switch between different dashboards and set a selected dashboard as default.
    • Analysis gadget: Using the new gadget “analysis” saved queries are available from your dashboard view. By clicking on a selected query, you can directly navigate to the results view.
  • Formating query results: The format of query results can now be configured.  Quotes in query results can now be automatically removed via an user setting. Column headers can be configured for each query. Also, selected columns can be configured to be displayed as links.
  • Architecture editing:
    • Filter within selection dialogs: When editing dependencies you can now utilize a filter to find the desired architecture element.
    • Mark required fields: When defining generic overviews of specific architecture elements, you can now defined specific fields as required. Users will then get a visual notification as long as these fields are not defined.
  • Ontology editing: If you delete ontology elements you will now get a list of dangling references that block the delete operation. After you have deleted all elements of an ontology, you can now delete the empty ontology.
  • OWL export: All contents from the Living EAM Platform can now be exported using the OWL format. Thus you are now able to reuse the information in different other use cases using a standardized data format.
  • Anonymise data: If required, all personal data that are older than a defined age, can now be anonymised. This particularly includes information, which user has edited a specific architecture element.

Our contact persons are available for any questions regarding the new features of our Living EAM Platform. In case you need more information, we would be happy to provide you a test account for our tool.