Living EAM Platform by Softplant GmbH

Release 2.0 of Living EAM Platform available

We are happy to announce release 2.0 of our Living EAM Platform. The new version includes a comprehensive update of the technology with a series of improvements and minor bug fixes.

The new features are:

  • Self-Check of the application: After installing the application or an update, you are now able to perform a Self-Check, which will check the correct setup or update of the application.

The improvements include:

  • Technical Update: With the update of the used frameworks and technologies, including Java 8, we ensure that the Living EAM Platform is built on a current technological base.

Our contact persons are available for any questions regarding the new features of our Living EAM Platform. In case you want to know more, we would be happy to provide you a test account for our tool.