Living EAM Platform by Softplant GmbH

Release 3.0 of our Living EAM Platform

We have just released Living EAM Platform version 3.0. It includes following new features and improvements:

  • Redesign Clustermap: In addition to the actual cluster data additional property can now be visualized in cluster maps. Moreover, the navigation within the cluster map has been refined and we have added various layout and visualization options to cutomize the cluster map. These include font size and colors, number of text lines to be show as well as the use of color annotation for specific indiviudals.
  • Process Diagram: Following up the BPMN editor within release 2.4 we have added a new and interactive process viusalization for processes including their inputs, outputs and supporting systems.
  • Additional Usability Improvements: 

    • Read-only mode for our matrix editor
    • Automatic redirect when using OIDC
    • Performance improvements (selection of individuals, object properties and object property assertions)
    • Refine editor for annotation assertions within an ontology

Our contact persons are available for any questions regarding the new features of our Living EAM Platform. In case you need more information, we would be happy to provide you a test account for our tool.