Living EAM Platform by Softplant GmbH

Release 4.1 of our Living EAM Platform

We have just released Living EAM Platform version 4.1. It includes following new features and improvements:

  • Editing:
    • Move individuals: To reorganize your ontologies, you can now move individuals between different ontologies and easily reassign the class of an individual. Use this feature for example to separate active from retired systems.
    • Create data and object properties: Within the create dialog of data and object properties you can now define whether the property should be functional. For object properties the dialog also includes invers functional.
    • Language mapping for Excel import: When defining the mapping for Excel imports you can specify the target language for data properties and annotation properties with appropriate data types.
    • Delete ontology: Using a new maintenance activity you can now delete a complete ontology. Note that this operation cannot be undone.
    • Ontology information: Within the module Living Semantic Platform for each ontology statistical information are shown in the tab “Information”.
  • Visualisation:
    • Pie and radar chart: The visualisation types pie chart and radar chart have been technically refined. You can now utilize different data sources as well as change the chart using various layout and configuration options.
  • Additional Changes:
    • Move groups of queries and visualisations: For moving folders within queries and visualisations we added a specific action to the toolbar. Additionally, you can also use drag&drop to move folders.

Our contact persons are available for any questions regarding the new features of our Living EAM Platform. In case you need more information, we would be happy to provide you a test account for our tool.